We sell to distributors, wholesalers and retail stores only. If you are a consumer looking to purchase rebelFIN product, fill out this form.


recycle hero image


Plastilite Corporation is committed to recycling and sustainability.  Not only do we recycle expanded polystyrene we are investing in our properties to create a habitat for pollinators … another way to assist our community with sustainability.




Want to know how and where to reuse or recycle GEL PACKS?

  • ControliQ Gel packs that arrive in good condition with no leaking of gel or liquid may be reused by placing them in your freezer and refrozen to be used for such as lunch packs and picnic coolers for keeping foods chilled.  If you receive the gel packs in a business setting you may also reuse the gel packs…just disinfect the gel pack and freeze or chill them for use in your next outgoing insulated package.   VIDEO   

  • The gel material in ControliQ Gel packs that will not be reused as ice packs can be repurposed as a soil conditioner for water absorption and slow release for potted plants and gardens.  Simply cut open the gel pack bag and squeeze the gel material into your potted soils or garden soils and mix well into the soil.  The gel material will then absorb moisture when watered and slow release as the soil dries.  Our gel material is certified as non-toxic as well as biodegradable when exposed to environmental conditions in the soil. Plastilite/Integritemp/RebelFin customer service can provide you with SDS and biodegradable certification documents as needed.  VIDEO#1   VIDEO#2    VIDEO#3

  • The ControliQ gel pack film/bag can be recycled once the gel material is removed from the bag.  Our gel pack film/bag is marked as #4 recyclable plastic film.  Simply rinse all of the gel material from inside the bag and deposit the bag/film into #4 plastic film collection bins at such as grocery stores or other retail outlets that collect such films/bags.  Some municipal waste systems may allow collection of #4 films at your curbside collection points.  VIDEO

  • For ControliQ gel packs that will not be reused or repurposed as described above, but instead will simply need a disposal method, it is acceptable to dispose of the gel packs in your municipal waste system. VIDEO

  • IMPORTANT REGARDING DISPOSAL OF CONTROLIQ GEL PACKS:  DO NOT DISPOSE OF THE GEL MATERIAL IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD OR COMMERCIAL PLUMBING SYSTEM!!   Our gel material will likely clog your pipes/plumbing system if disposed of down drains or toilets.  Your plumbing may require clog mitigation procedures such as “snaking” or other clog removal by you or a plumber if this improper disposal method is used.  Some gel materials supplied by other suppliers are marked as drain/plumbing safe but ControliQ gel is not.  VIDEO



Want to know how and where to recycle EPS foam and REFOAM?


Recycling EPS Foam & REFOAM

At Ingetritemp, we are proud to create recyclable packaging. Many of our customers aren’t aware that expanded polystyrene (EPS foam, or as it is called Styrofoam) is recyclable – nor that it is being successfully recycled by businesses and consumers throughout the United States.

Did you know? EPS foam is:

  • 98% Air
  • Non-Toxic
  • 100% Recyclabled

How To Prepare your EPS Foam Cooler

Before you recycle your EPS foam:

  • Clear your approved EPS container of tape, loose parts, etc.
  • Ensure that your EPS container is completely empty
  • You can break down the EPS, fitting more into your mail package
  • If you’re shipping an EPS biomedical cooler, tape the top and bottom together, then apply shipping labels and postage directly to the cooler

Items that can’t be recycled with EPS foam packaging: 

  • Disposable food items like meat trays or egg cartons will not be accepted
  • Foam packing peanuts are not recyclable

What expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam does Plastilite accept & how do I know if what I have is recyclable? 

  • Plastilite can recycle most white foam items that have the #6 recycling symbol on the material. However, not all EPS has the #6 recycling symbol. EPS is a rigid foam and our rule is: IF IT BENDS, IT’S NOT OUR FRIEND.

Download our EPS Recycling Tips sheet

Drop Off Your EPS Foam Cooler

More than 118 million pounds of EPS was recycled in 2016. Will you participate? There are many locations throughout the Unites States that will take your EPS foam cooler and recycle it. Click the button to find the closest location to your home or office.

If you are in the Omaha, Nebraska, area, you can drop off your EPS foam at our warehouse in our special recycle bin. Visit us at 4930 Battlefield Drive. Click here for a map of our location.

Mail Back Your EPS Foam Cooler

Don’t forget that you can also mail your EPS materials back to us should you not be near a recycling facility. As one of 30 EPS foam mail-back sites in the United States, Plastilite is proud to do our part in caring for the environment. If you would like to mail us your EPS materials, please send it to:

ATTN: EPS Recycling, Plastilite Corporation, 4930 Battlefield Drive, Omaha, NE 68152.


Plastilite is committed to providing high-quality expanded polystyrene (EPS) products to our customers.  As a manufacturer of EPS minnow buckets, picnic coolers and insulated shippers, we are also aware of our responsibility to be good stewards of the earth and work to reduce our carbon footprint.  With that in mind, our goal is to recycle as much EPS as we produce. We have a long way to go, but we’re making great strides. See our impact report below to see how were doing.


Plastilite Environmental Impact Report for 2022


Where do I bring my EPS for recycling?

  • Metro Omaha local drop off PLASTILITE 
  • If you are outside of the Omaha metro area, find your closest recycling center  FIND
  • Recycling events will be happening around Omaha, please check the calendar below.
  • Mail back:  Plastilite, Attn: RECYCLING, 4930 Battlefield Dr, Omaha NE  68152

What is expanded polystyrene EPS?

EPS is the rigid white packaging foam used to transport goods like televisions, appliances, glass items, temperature sensitive medications and perishables.

What does Plastilite accept & how do I know if what I have is recyclable?

Plastilite can recycle all foam items that have the #6 recycling symbol on the material. However, not all foam has the #6 recycling symbol.  EPS is a rigid foam, and our rule is:  IF IT BENDS, IT'S NOT OUR FRIEND.   We cannot accept food containers, packing peanuts or foam sheets.  This is a different type of polystyrene material and does not densify in processing.  If you have any questions, please watch the video for more information on what we accept.   VIDEO

What do I do with the items Plastilite is unable to recycle?

Items such as packing peanuts, foam cups, food containers, plastic bags, etc. can be recycled with First Star Recycling using a Hefty® ReNew bag.      FIRST STAR

Do I need to do anything special before dropping off or mailing my EPS?

  • Please remove tape & labels
  • No Flexible Foam
  • No Food Containers
  • No Packing Peanuts
  • No Foam Sheets
  • What do I need to do if my church, school, business or organization wants to hold a recycling event?


Contact Pam Ehly our Recycling Ambassador at 402.453.7500 Ext 202


Want to know how and where to recycle Thermalast Bags?


  • Thermalast Bags are produced with LDPE (low density polyethylene) film and marked with the #4 recycling symbol and are eligible for drop off at recycling locations throughout the USA. Please check with your local municipal waste collection department to determine if #4 plastic films are accepted curbside. If not accepted at curbside then you have the option to recycle the Thermalast bags at countless retailer locations around the country. Many retailers who use #4 plastic bags to package purchased goods will also accept back the #4 plastic bags for recycling. Contact your local grocery stores and other retailers to ask if they accept #4 plastic films at their locations.


recycle container for bags bag being put in bin






Please visit us at REfoam.com for more recycling information.